Let Me Help You Create Your

Dream Trip

The Problem With Planning A Trip To Germany...

There's Too Much Choice

Germany is a country of vibrant cities, colorful old towns, gorgeous scenery, rich culture, fascinating history and a great food scene. 

But researching how to spend your time in a country so rich in amazing places quickly leads to information overload. 

It’s hard work deciding where to go, what to see, where to stay, how long to stay and where to eat. 

And now that you've come up with an itinerary, how do you know if it's any good?

Are you visiting too many places so you'll spend more time on transport than enjoying the country?

Could you fit in another destination?

Are you visiting the best spots?

Have you missed something that would be perfect for you/your travelling companions?

Have you picked the wrong destinations for the time of year?

Do you need a car to visit these places? Or is train fine?

I can help! I will analyse your itinerary and record my review giving you insider tips and advice that will save you time AND ensure an amazing vacation.


Itinerary Review Service

I'll review your Germany itinerary via video recording and help you make it perfect!

How It Works...

Make payment below.

Within minutes, you'll receive an email with instructions on what to do next. This will basically involve emailing me your itinerary and any questions you have.

I'll record a video review as I analyse your itinerary and answer your questions.

I'll email you this back with a week (usually a few days) along with links to useful resources.

You can watch it whenever suits.

As you book your trip, you can email back once a few follow-up questions.

I'll respond within a few days.

Note: This is for travellers that have already completed or nearly completed an itinerary. The price below is for itineraries up to 2 weeks long.

I May Recommend...

A better way to order the places you visit

A more efficient way to travel between your destinations

How you can fill in any gaps

Activities you may love but are missing

Insider recommendations

Activities/places to leave out if your itinerary is not practial

Family friendly options if this is applicable

All Yours For US$147*

*Prices are in US dollars. Australians are also charged 10% GST.

Meet Me!

I'm Sharon Gourlay, the founder of Germany Footsteps. I absolutely love Germany. I travel to Germany as often as I can. Sometimes, by myself and sometimes with my three kids.

I can't recommend Germany enough. It has stunning scenery, amazing old towns, a fascinating history, friendly people, interesting cities and culture and the best beer and sausages in the world! 

I know it can be difficult to plan a trip, and I'd love to help you so you can spend less time stressing and more time enjoying the lead up to your amazing Germany vacation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to have completed my itinerary before using this service?
    Your itinerary will need to be at least mostly completed so I can review it. It is ok if it's not completely finished. For example, maybe you still have a couple of nights and can't work out where to spend them. Or you don't have activities for every day. I can help with that.
  • What exactly will I get?
    You'll receive a screencast video of my review of your itinerary within a week which will include the answer to any questions you asked. After you watch the video, you can ask some additional questions in one email and I'll also answer these via email.

    Note that this service does not include any live meetings.
  • What do I need to give you?
    After your payment, you'll receive an email with a list of questions to help me understand your needs. The better you can answer these, the more useful your review will be. You can also add any of your own questions. You then need to simply add a link to or attach your itinerary and hit reply.
  • My itinerary is for more than 2 weeks. Can you still review my itinerary?
    Of course, but there will be an extra charge. Please email me at info@germanyfootsteps.com with the number of days and I'll let you know the cost.
  • Can you recommend hotels?
    I can recommend hotels where I have stayed and give some general recommendations, but I can't go check out every hotel for you (although that would be fun!).
  • I'm travelling with kids. Can you help with family recommendations?
    Great! I have 3 kids myself and have travelled with them in Germany. I have many fabulous family friendly recommendations.
  • Can you review my itinerary for neighbouring countries too?
    This service is for Germany only.
  • My trip to Germany isn't for awhile. Can I get you to review my itinerary later?
    I can only review so many itineraries a month so I close off this service once I reach this number. For this reason, I recommend you get your itinerary to me as soon as you can. I also don't do any reviews when I am travelling in Germany myself.
  • Can I have a refund if I don't use your recommendations?
    There are no refunds available once I have made the review.
  • I have more questions about this service. How can I ask you?
    No problem. Simply email me at info@germanyfootsteps.com about any questions you have about this video review service.

Don't Wait! Save Time & Have The Best Germany Vacation 

By Ordering Your Review Here!

Only US$147*

Launch Special

*Prices are in US dollars. Australians are also charged 10% GST.

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Germany Footsteps agrees to review
client itineraries to the
best of their ability within a
reasonable amount of time.
Services provided will depend on
the chosen package, on-time
payments, and any other agreed
upon services. The base price is only
for itineraries up to 14 days.
Germany Footsteps is NOT responsible
for booking any part of the
client's trip, including but not
limited to, flights, trains, ferries,
buses, taxis, accommodations,
activities, meals, airport pick-up
or drop-offs, anything Covid-19
related, etc.
Germany Footsteps is not responsible
for changes in costs regarding
flights, transportation services,
accommodations, activities or the
like, and we cannot be held liable
for changed or canceled plans for
any reason.
It is the sole responsibility of the
client to ensure they are prepared
to travel.
While Germany Footsteps will do their
best to review the itinerary
according to the client's travel
preferences and latest information,
Germany Footsteps is not
responsible for any changes in the
provided itinerary in part or in its
In the event that a client decides
to change their destinations after
services have begun or desires an
entirely new review, an
additional payment equal to the
original will be required before
the itinerary will be reviewed.
Sharon Gourlay and Germany Footsteps
reserves the right to end services
with a client at any time for any
reason, in which case refunds will
be considered on an individual
case-by-case basis.
Germany Footsteps reserves the right
to add affiliate links at their
discretion, and may or may not
receive compensation if the client
makes purchases through these
The client understands that the
Transportation Security
Administration requires them to
carry a government issued
identification card in order to
board a flight.
The client understands that the
name, date of birth, and gender
that appears on their
identification card must exactly
match the same such data that is
listed on their airline ticket and in
their booking records.
The client acknowledges that
their failure to strictly comply with
these requirements may result in
denied boarding or an undue
delay at an airport security
checkpoint causing them to miss
their flight.
Germany Footsteps is not responsible
for the issuance of travel
identification such as passports
and/or visas and travelers should
ensure they have or have been
approved for the appropriate
documents before purchasing
The client understands that if
traveling internationally, they must
have a valid passport and
depending upon their destination
and nationality, they may need to
obtain one or more visas.
The client understands that the
suppliers, tour operators, and
businesses whose names appear
in the itinerary review provided by
Germany Footsteps are those who are
actually responsible for providing
the services described.
The client consents to and
requests the use of those
suppliers and agrees not to hold
Sharon Gourlay or Germany Footsteps
responsible should any of these
suppliers: 1) fail to provide the
travel services the client has
purchased; 2) fail to comply with
any applicable law; or 3) engage
in any negligent act or omission
that causes the client any sort of
injury, damage, delay or
The client accepts that Sharon
Gourlay and Germany Footsteps are
not responsible for, nor will
they attempt to hold either of
them liable for any injury,
damage, or loss the client
may suffer during their trip,
regardless of any recommendations
that are made by Sharon Gourlay
or Germany Footsteps.
This includes the client and
the entire traveling party.
The client understands that Sharon
Gourlay and Germany Footsteps highly
recommend the purchase of travel
insurance for any trip, but Sharon
Gourlay and Germany Footsteps are
not responsible for booking any
type of insurance for the client.
All payments must be made prior
to services and no refunds will be
given for any reason.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

All payments are in USD. If you're located in Australia, 10% GST will be added to the purchase price.